Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster

Leading with Inclusivity


Unconscious bias is the tendency to perceive people or events in a certain way when we make ‘snap’ decisions or assessments about them. This can impact how we work with others and our decisions, resulting in illegal, discriminatory behavior.

The Unconscious Bias workshop is designed to help your employees understand unconscious bias and the impact that it can have at work. It also explains the measures to combat this potentially illegal behavior. The first step towards building strong and diverse teams is to recognize that anyone can be susceptible to unconscious bias and may need support in understanding and overcoming hidden prejudices. This course examines the key characteristics and different kinds of unconscious bias that can influence our relationships in the workplace. Participants will learn how to recognize unconscious bias, how bias can affect attitudes, behavior and decision making, and why recognizing unconscious bias benefits us all.

Topics include: