Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster
Nikhil Raval is a Leadership, Learning and Change-OD Expert and passionately believes the role of Learning in its many forms is to lift the societies it serves. He believes Organizations we work for also have the responsibility to serve society. At the intersection of these two forces is leadership development. He believes whether it is the fresh graduate preparing to enter the workforce to the seasoned professional who keeps learning as the world changes – Every time we help a leader get better at their job, we improve their lives, the lives of people that work for them, and as they make their company better, we improve societies around the world.
Target gen z book

Our Testimonials

Nuwan Dishan CA-Sri Lanka

Nikhil was an invaluable partner in designing a high-end executive education programme on Strategic Leadership in Sri Lanka when he worked at Duke CE. He has a deep knowledge of the topic and a remarkable skill in creating c-suite leadership programmes. I was impressed by his expertise in leadership development.

Tamika Pumphrey VP (Customer Success), Regis Company – Denver Colorado (US)

We have had the pleasure of working with Nikhil for several years and are deeply appreciative of his ongoing collaboration.  As a facilitator, Nikhil is engaging, credible and focused on learners.  He tailors examples and stories for the audience.

Heice Yau Learning Designer BDC, Hong Kong

Nikhil is the ideal training partner everyone would want to work with - myself included - humble yet extremely knowledgeable, calm yet passionate about helping others reach their potential. It is always a joy to work with Nikhil in a workshop, be it virtual or in a classroom!

Pankaj Kejriwal Chief Strategy Officer, Aveeksha Technologies

Nikhil is simply amazing with Senior and C-suite facilitation. He brings a lot of practical knowledge of the Leadership domain with a strong Instructional Design and Client management focus. In all my interactions w/him I found him with high energy and with a great amount of flexibility and adaptability.

Eric Proudfoot, South Africa Two 10.co.za

Working with Nikhil has not only been a privilege but a wonderful learning experience. The impact he has on others is inspirational.

Susan Gray Global Leadership Faculty Manager, GP Strategies (UK)

First met Nikhil in 2020 where I had the pleasure of attending 2 of his Facilitation sessions in Bangalore. Nikhil is very engaging, has a lovely presence and a calm Facilitation style. He has a wealth of knowledge & is passionate about making a difference in organizations.

Sunil Mehta Country Manager, Quint Consulting Services, Tal Success

"Nikhil is an excellent, strong instructor and a facilitator. He is extremely good with senior audiences and brings a wide gamut of expertise in a range of topics. Our clients greatly benefitted from his energetic style!"

Capt Shantanu Chakraborty CLO Suzlon

Nikhil brings a deep repertoire of L&D, OD and facilitation. His sessions are energetic and deeply contextual. All our senior leaders have enjoyed when he facilitates and feel they learn something new.

JT, Director Executive Perspectives

Nikhil is a noted thought leader and a master at designing learning experiences which enlist others. He’s highly skilled at facilitating and engaging groups - using his enthusiastic, energetic style to make an impact and achieve results.

Anna Paul L&D Manager (ComputaCenter, India)

I have had the privilege of working with Nikhil on several leadership development programs for the Bennett & Coleman group, upGrad, and my current organization, Computacenter. Nikhil not only brings incredible experience to his training and facilitation but also an approachability that sets him apart.

Steve Mahely Founder Red Fern (US)

Nikhil brings a terrific combination of experience and skill to his client work. He has not only spearheaded design and delivery for global clients, but also has led international teams - he has the theory, and the direct experience.

Eliza Quek Co-Founder Terrific Mentors International, Singapore

For anyone needing to work with Gen Z, Nikhil`s publications are a "must read and listen to". He provides insights into differences in values, beliefs, perspectives and mind-sets and practical tips on how to get the best out of Gen Z. Nikhil enables understanding of the psyches of different generations.

Sevantika Bhandari Brand Consultant, Artist, Traveller

I have known Nikhil since we co created a course together about 5 years ago. He is a supremely methodical person who brings a fresh perspective with a structure to bring the perspective alive. He did a workshop on his book for me and my team at Indira IVF and brought the concept alive for the audience in a unique way.

Paul Infield MCIArb (Barrister, Mediator, Family Arbitrator), UK

I have had the pleasure of working with Nikhil on a number of occasions. He is an excellent communicator, a skilled educator and a delightful colleague.

Nick Barker Leadership Faculty (UK and US)

I had the pleasure of working with Nikhil for a number of years when he was the MD at Duke-CE, India. He had cultivated a stellar set of clients in India and across the region, all of whom were impressed by his expertise and the professionalism of the team he led. All the work was high end and clients forged deep longitudinal relations with Nikhil.

Andrew Grant Tirian Pvt Limited, Melbourne & Sydney – Australia

It has been great working with Nikhil over the years to see his depth and capacity in many different settings. Great to see him taking up the batten of understanding the complexity of inter-generational challenges, so there is a more assured alignment between all stakeholders.

John Malitoris JMA (North Carolina, US)

Over 10+ years partnering with Nikhil he brought expert design & delivery of engaging learning experiences. His practical insights and approachable presence are a powerful combination. The research & book on Gen Z adds critical current perspective.

Yashaswini Sharma Strategic Solutions Leader, Upgrad for Business

Nikhil brings his calm presence to the L&OD design elements and energetic self to his facilitation delivery style, helping leaders reflect deeply and be amused by what they discover! He has worked with us for several of our clients at upGrad for Business and has offered his services on a scale with a vast range..

Charandeep David VP (Talent/L&D), Max Life Insurance

Nikhil is one of the Best Leadership Development facilitators in the country. I have personally experienced his sessions and I find him very strategic in his approach from understanding the need to contend design to delivery of the actual session. All his sessions have been super hits in my organisation be it telecom or insurance.

Nuwan Dishan CA-Sri Lanka

Nikhil was an invaluable partner in designing a high-end executive education programme on Strategic Leadership in Sri Lanka when he worked at Duke CE. He has a deep knowledge of the topic and a remarkable skill in creating c-suite leadership programmes. I was impressed by his expertise in leadership development.

Tamika Pumphrey VP (Customer Success), Regis Company – Denver Colorado (US)

We have had the pleasure of working with Nikhil for several years and are deeply appreciative of his ongoing collaboration.  As a facilitator, Nikhil is engaging, credible and focused on learners.  He tailors examples and stories for the audience.

Heice Yau Learning Designer BDC, Hong Kong

Nikhil is the ideal training partner everyone would want to work with - myself included - humble yet extremely knowledgeable, calm yet passionate about helping others reach their potential. It is always a joy to work with Nikhil in a workshop, be it virtual or in a classroom!

Pankaj Kejriwal Chief Strategy Officer, Aveeksha Technologies

Nikhil is simply amazing with Senior and C-suite facilitation. He brings a lot of practical knowledge of the Leadership domain with a strong Instructional Design and Client management focus. In all my interactions w/him I found him with high energy and with a great amount of flexibility and adaptability.

Eric Proudfoot, South Africa Two 10.co.za

Working with Nikhil has not only been a privilege but a wonderful learning experience. The impact he has on others is inspirational.

Susan Gray Global Leadership Faculty Manager, GP Strategies (UK)

First met Nikhil in 2020 where I had the pleasure of attending 2 of his Facilitation sessions in Bangalore. Nikhil is very engaging, has a lovely presence and a calm Facilitation style. He has a wealth of knowledge & is passionate about making a difference in organizations.

Clients where Nikhil has advised and delivered work