Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster

Leading with Agility – Building an Adaptive & Resilient Leader


The Coronavirus pandemic is creating unprecedented health, psychological, social, economic, and political challenges globally. Each one of us faces a multitude of personal, professional, and community-wide problems of an intensity and complexity rarely experienced in our lives. We all are coping with the fear and anxiety generated by both the current situation and the uncertainties about the future. This time has been difficult for businesses as well as they have had to adapt quickly to a new way of working and a more remote customer base. With world markets in chaos, and ambiguity at peak levels, leaders of brands are asking — what now?

This calls for firms to transform themselves, especially when competitive pressure is also becoming merciless. There always seems to be a faster, better, bolder, brighter business model emerging in the digital age: Asset-light and hyper-agile new businesses attack incumbents and fight for market space and customer attention. Competitive advantages erode even faster because (almost) everything can be copied. This new business landscape demands different, agile and hyper-aware leaders and forces organizations to transform and adapt at an ever-increasing speed. It calls for leaders with an ability to address complex adaptive challenges that do not have simple solutions. The need for innovative solutions has wrought extensive changes in the art of leadership, and as with any creative discipline, mastery comes with practice. Adaptive leadership is a mode of leadership that engages people in a change process. In this Webinar you will learn:

Key Learning Objectives