Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster

Leading and Thriving During Times of Change


Today’s business leaders face a dynamic business environment that requires continual transformation of products, processes, and people. Advances in technology and the evolution of customers’ and investors’ values drive enterprises toward change in order to remain relevant and profitable. Because the success of strategic change management largely depends on the behavior of the people within an organization, team leaders play a critical role. Because change involves uncertainty, it’s stressful, and it can impact employee motivation and productivity – just at a time when an organization needs everyone to pull together and give their best efforts. A key challenge therefore for managers is motivating and engaging employees during times of organizational change. Effective change leadership means managing teams through the ongoing transition processes that facilitate change. Removing obstacles that can hinder the productive teamwork required to make these transition processes smooth is essential.

In this Webinar, participants understand the effects of change, the likely reaction and impact on the people and the business. It defines practical ways to lead and manage people through the transition of change and to be better equipped for the next change ahead. More specifically participants will learn about stages and types of resistance and obstacles to change. How do companies and leaders overcome them through collaboration by adjusting their team’s activities to achieve broad company-wide goals for change. Since organizational change is difficult, both to initiate and to maintain we will also focus on effective strategies for communicating about change with your teams with an emphasis on honest, targeted communication, dialogue, and listening.

Learning Outcomes