Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster

Curiosity & Creativity


Seeing the potential and staying open to possibilities is important for leaders today: Because the world is changing rapidly and our problems are becoming more complex and the customer expectations are constantly shifting and evolving. Managers today need to innovate and to find better solutions to diverse problems that exist in our society. Curiosity and creativity are skills that give leaders its power and usefulness to solve these problems. Curiosity is the force that drives personal development, because thinking through new concepts and ideas is what allows us to mature and to develop more nuanced, open-minded worldview. However, the value of curiosity in organizations has often been overlooked in theories of innovation.

Likewise, many managers think that creativity belongs to highly intelligent people who generate new ideas. That is definitely not so. We are all creative and need to have normal intelligence to develop this talent. Having a focus, with minimum inhibition but with the responsibility to improve, is a key part of the creative process. Managers need to learn to improve and change those approaches that have been thought to be the confirmed style of doing things.

Key Learning Objectives & Outcomes