Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster

Building Resilience


As our world and work becomes ever more complex and ambiguous our ability to withstand, recover and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands will be ever more important. Resilience is the capacity and dynamic process of adaptively overcoming stress and adversity – it is our ability to ‘bounce-back’ when we encounter adversity.  Each person has a different level of resilience and some individuals can be more impacted by certain events than others.  Resilience is a skill that can be built and research shows that focusing on developing habits that promote resilience before we need it, helps us to better cope and be more resilient in those times of adversity.

This course is scheduled as a full day but will be divided into two sections.  Part 1 will run for three hours followed by an extended break for reflection (approx. 3 hours). Part 2 will resume for the final two hours of the course.


The Resilience Future Skills programme will help individuals to discover more about themselves and their personal resilience by:
