Leadership & Learning Advisor. Author. Speaker. Podcaster

From Discord to Dialogue. Understanding How Gen Z handles Clashing Perspectives & Conflict

Gen Z and Conflict


Conflict is part of life. It happens when goals, values, needs, and wants of two or more people are different and in opposition. It is the result of people having differing needs, opinions, expectations and often completely different individual perspectives. The reality of conflict is that in any human relationship it is inevitable, but if managed well, conflict can provide a powerful avenue for significant personal and professional growth.

Sometimes, conflict, can be resolved amicably and professionally, but more often, conflicts lead to finger pointing, fault finding, anxiety, anger, bitterness and frustration. If left unmanaged, conflict can cause long term damage at workplace, jolt friendships, shatters morale, creates enemies, and negative feelings, that amount to waste of money and time. Even the strongest of the individual, can be crippled of energy, emotion and time.

From workplace disagreements to social activism, Gen Z is redefining how they navigate tensions. With a strong focus on open communication, equity, and mental health, their approach to resolving disputes is rooted in authenticity and collaboration. So how does Gen Z handle conflict? Are they a conflict avoiding generation?

Find out in this episode as Leadership Coach and Conflict expert Manish Gupta shares best practices on how the Gen Z values shape their conflict styles. We look at the causes, and stages of conflict. What are the ways to manage conflict before it occurs what and approaches to productive dialogue and mutual understanding. What is the role technology in both fuelling and resolving disagreements.

Social Profile:  Manish Gupta – webLinkedIn, Nikhil Raval- Linkedin,Web

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